Monday, December 10, 2007


Myself I set the scan like this:

close is between 15 and 50
average volume(90) above 50000
average volume(10) above 250000

Showed only 2 losers out of 20 stocks 2 days in a row now.
Market has been great yes, but still nice to see.

In the about 3 weeks I've tested during live trading there have been really good setups everyday.
I realize some folks like the higher priced ones,maybe something to take a look at.

1 comment:

TheRumpledOne said...

Muddy, you're working me too hard and not paying me enough!

I posted the latest version of the filter /* TRO STAT SCAN - GREEN ON THE SCREEN WITH RUN 15 to 50 */

Column RUN2 is the number of times out of the last 100 days the stock had runs of 10% or more 2 days in a row.

Column RUN3 is the number of times out of the last 100 days the stock had runs of 10% or more 3 days in a row.