Thursday, January 4, 2007

USSE watch for 01.05.07

Saw USSE moving near close, but with work, I can't post much. This is one I was watching a month or two ago, a reverse merger I think. Former symbol was LFZA. After I saw it running, I checked and saw news.

Notice the first oval, not a 10/60 cross, but if you were already in, you would still be in until the sell cross, which never happened. So you would hold. If for some reason you were following this and looking for entry, you would wait for a definite opening when one line pulls away from the other . Second circle at EOD. Look at the volume spiking at close!!

This is a penny stock (which I rarely trade) and is not a recommendation to buy, but will be fun to watch. I think this one is gonna fly.

FORG 10 min/60 min chart

I think doubleclick couple times to enlarge. Sheesh, this website and blog stuff is killing me!

FORG on the Scottrade daily chart. Now believe me, Scott intraday charts leave a LOT to be desired, but since I don't use, or want to use, any complicated intraday stuff it works okay for me. Muddy taught me "caveman" trading over the past few years, and I have to say it works for me. Keep it simple, price and volume is all. That's the beauty of watching the HOD list daily, you can catch the runners quick if you know them from the past, or you see them hitting HOD list repeatedly.

The chart settings we use are a 5 min candle, 2.5 day chart (hey that's all they have for a 5 min). Add indicators for 10 min sma, 60 min sma, and volume.

I have circled the 10/60 crosses. Note the first circle on the FORG chart is a possible indication to SELL and the second one near close today a BUY signal.

PLEASE, don't ask which line has to cross which line. If the price is going up and it crosses, it is a buy and vice versa. If one cross is a sell, then the next cross is a buy. That's the nice thing about this....a quick look gives you confirmation if you were considering entry. Don't make this's a simple visual method when things are moving quickly.

I'll post a few more charts on the weekend with some comments.

Scottrade Market Movers Screenshot

High of days on right, new 52s in green, Low of days on left, new 52 low in red. Click and hold the min/max button on window to freeze it cause it flies too quick to read sometimes.

I am a blogging dummy, I think you need to double click a couple of times to enlarge the pic.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007



GREEN hold

I'll continue to play CPSL, for what I can get out of its great dayrange until it dries up.

Monday, January 1, 2007


Here is a list of 20 stocks that were either mentioned in my watch lists on this blog or in the chat room BEFORE they at least doubled or more in the past 6 WEEKS, every one i believe in both as far as I know.
A few still maintain this status as of today, though many have fallen below it. THIS IS WHAT TRAILING STOPS ARE FOR.
I'm in no way saying 100% could be made on these stocks,because of the trailing stop rule.
But isn't 20% or more ok to take out of the middle of that 100% run? I sure think so.


Myself i watch/trade stocks with unusually ABOVE average dayrange in a setting I feel is conducive for a quick pop or a nice few day swing trade setup.

Of those 20 only AQUA at the time i was not familiar with,but had to watch it off its 12/4 sq/vol/br.
I felt at the time a very small position in it at between .06 (which would have been a catch of green the next day)and .08 could very well lead to a double in the next day or 2. As it was it ran to close at .30 on the 6th with over a million shrs traded on the 5th and 6th. You can see by the chart that this one didn't even trade over 10k shares many days in the preceding weeks,it was actually a ZERO volume stock a few days in the last few months,which if you've followed me the past few years you know i love that angle. These type can give powerful quick moves when they start to get interest with big volume

All of these 20 stocks i felt exhibited a very good risk/reward ratio at the time.
Many years ago before I started trading these above average dayrangers i would get stuck in low dayrangers for weeks at a time,watching them trade sideways all the while eating up TIME and keeping my trading capital from working elsewhere.
With the compounding factor thrown in, i saw that these sideways stocks were actually risker than stopping out with a 3-4% loss on the type of stocks i now trade.
Losers are and always will be part of the game, there can be no avoiding this.
I take my loss and FORGET about it and move on to the next potentially very profitable trade, always with that powerful compounding factor in sight.