Sunday, December 3, 2006

Re: Question

The stocks from these 2 filters I play almost always as SWING trades
lasting anywhere from 2 days to weeks,especially the ema13/sma20
pullbacks which can find the UBB walkers that can last much longer
than a week.
Take a look at CPNLQ chart and notice the ZONE touches and how it has
"walked" the UBB after these touches.Another great example is SVNT,out
of the zone on 11/03 after just a FEW days earlier hitting new 52 week
highs it continued upward until 11/27 where it touched again and
bounced again hitting new 52 high just yesterday!
To find these keep it simple and scan for stocks in any price range
you desire that have hit new 52's using a DATE OFFSET of 1 to 14 days
and looking in the "performance" column for the stocks that show a
negative there,chart those and you'll find quite a few sitting in that
IMO these can make really good longer term plays,in some cases like
SVNT,and CHINA ( a new 52 on 8/17 ) good choices for an IRA
account,flipping them every few weeks (some cases months )
Regarding day trading i only play ones with day momo and with an
increase in avg volume from the daily high of day list and in very
small $$amounts

--- In, "bielyplafon"
> Hi,
> do you play fastk, EMA13/SMA20 stocks only intraday or are they
> suitable for 2-5 days swings?

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