Saturday, May 5, 2007


I've been tagged by Craig over at Taz Trader.
So I'll give it a go.

My Five Obsessions:
  1. My pets, 3.25 dogs and 6 cats
  2. Chocolate
  3. Lifting weights
  4. Meat
  5. Music

Why I Blog:
  1. Because it's all about ME and I love to read what I've written.
  2. Because it's all about ME and I love seeing my picture on the internet.
  3. Because it's all about ME and I love having quick links to the music I like.
  4. Because it's all about ME and I love to watch my hit counter tick up because I am sooooo popular.
  5. Because it's all about ME and I love to go back and admire my trades.

I'm tagging some blogging women. I admire women traders because it's not an easy world for them out there.
  1. Multiple Streams Trader
  2. Blonde Money
  3. Trading Goddess
  4. Stock Market Girl
  5. Laura (Because I needed a fifth one, I'll throw Laura in as filler. Besides Ah Said it's all about ME)

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm filler?????
You'll pay for this one!