Friday, December 29, 2006


Symbol below in watches OLAB is now CPSL

Entering under 11 here again for hopeful run back


Anonymous said...

this hit 13.48 in less than 15 mins.

Keep on watch next week for either more momo or pullback then going green

Trading Goddess said...

Hi Muddy,

Happy New Year!

I was wondering, do you have a percentage as to how many pinkie stocks you "cover" compared with the regular ones?


Anonymous said...

Hi TG,
Great to see you.Happy New Year to you also.
I cover a very small percentage of pinks,probably only about 5% on my "favorites" list.
One i do follow that seems to be beyond "pink" is SLJB.
This one i think trades down at the local licquer store,ha.
I also follow "Q" stocks,ones ending with Q because just the slightest good "news" can set them going.
Except for CPNLQ and NWACQ i really don't follow them closely,just keep a list up on my Scott screen to watch for an abnormal vol move.
All these Q stocks are pinks.
Actually i don't really like the risk/reward of pinks but some i just have to follow.
I see from visiting your blog (very nice BTW)that you like the higher dollar ones many times.
I also like these and have a list of over $20's in the files at :
that i follow along with the regular Favs i follow.

Take care,Muddy

Trading Goddess said...

Hi Muddy,

Thank you for taking the time to reply and explain for me. It is appreciated! :)

I really love the name of your Blog... it sounds very "Bullish" and "positive" to me. Those are 2 qualities I like to see! Course, green on the screen always helps too! hehehe

Can I ask one last Q? What is your profitability on the pinkies compared to the nons? Are you the person sending me those spam emails about them? HAHAHAHAH!

The reason I ask up front, is I would like to follow some of your ideas, but the pinkies make me sceptical about the intentions.


Anonymous said...

Hi TG,
Please understand this blog and chatroom is not even close to a penny or pinky board.
I try very hard to keep it out of that realm but sometimes i just have to mention one because it is so ripe in what i feel at the time in the risk/reward department.
If you notice i mentioned pinkie GTEM on the 12/21 and 12/22 watch list and when it finally went green on the 22nd i alerted it in the chat to a friend and it bounced out of the ema13/sma20 Muddy zone for a quick 20% move.
Also i mentioned pinkie TERN on the 12/21 watches and after failing to catch green on the 21st,it caught green the 22nd and has put up 5 white candles in a row for a 37% gain.
2 great trading pinkies i've made alot of $$ on are Q stocks CPNLQ and NWACQ.These 2 stocks should be avioded if one is afraid to trade pinks but i have to mention them for the few in our chat who do dabble in them.
I try very hard always to keep the risk/reward factor in mind when mentioning ANY stock,especially the pinks.
Of the 110 and 45 over $20 stocks on my "favs" list i believe there are only 3 pinks,a very very small percentage.
My profitability on the pinks is no higher than on any other stocks i play,which is very high,probably because i have been trading so many years and keep it simple and know exactly what i'm looking for in a stock along with it's risk/reward factor.
Please don't let the mention of a very few pinks "scare" you away.
Just ignore them and watch the ones you are comfortable with.
I'm trying my hardest to make everyone understand although my methods are maybe unconventional i don't tolerate undue risk.
Please if you have other questions feel free to ask.

Trading Goddess said...

Thank you!

I appreciate your honesty. :)

I have added you to my "People I Read" list... I think you have some pretty good things going on.

I will be following you more closely.

And, we all love to see Green on the Screen! ;)